Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mayan Empire Essay

The Mayans were very wise people. They used the seven characteristics to live a daily life. By doing so, they became people with strong beliefs in Government, Food supply, Art, Religion, Technology, Social Structure, and Writing. The Mayans Government kept everyone in order, and their Writing helped them communicate with others. Their Religion helped them practice their beliefs; their Technology helped them accomplish tasks and challenges. The Mayans Art helped them express themselves in many ways and, their Food Supply helped them know which foods to eat and which food they had. Lastly, the Mayans Social Structure helped them by telling everyone where they belong in their society.
The Maya’s Government was very organized. Priests ran governments, ruled cities, led ceremonies, and preformed many jobs. Kings rose during the Preclassic Period and they ruled with the advisory council. The head of the ceremonial center was Ahalach Winik. He oversaw a system of officials that included judges, counselors, and governors. The Lesser Elites ruled smaller communities. They were responsible for collecting payment from commoners and keeping order. The Mayan’s had a very organized Government.
The Mayan’s Writing was important for recording information. They used Glyphs recorded on fig-bark paper or deerskin. The Glyphs date from about 250 A.D. They consisted of a combination of phonetic that stood for syllables and ideograms. They recorded important information and sacred knowledge in codices. There are three codices (found today), The Dresden, Paris, and Madrid Codex. In the 1500, When the Spanish took over; they would not allow Mayan Scribes to use traditional writing, so they were forced to use the Spanish Alphabet. The Mayan writing was very useful.
Mayan religion was Polytheistic. That means that it included many gods. The Mayans believed in more than 160 gods. The Mayans believed that the Mayan Gods could change their appearance and if they were a good god or bad god. The Mayans built their cities around ceremonial and religious centers. They also believed in the After Life and practicing human sacrifices. Purification was required before entering areas inhabited by deities. To be a Mayan Priests, young boys had to serve as acolytes while helping a priest with his duties. Acolytes soon became priests.
The Mayans had many technological advances and techniques. They used wooden digging sticks and stone-bladed hoes and axels for farming. Mayans built long ladders of logs tied together with ropes made of twisted vine, so they could collect water from cenotes. For hunting, they used atlatls to hunt many animals. To catch fish, fisherman used bone husks on lines and built dams on small rivers. When the fish swam into the pool, the fisherman would drop a crushed poisonous root from the bulche tree in the water. When picked out, the fish were paralyzed by the poison. The women used a Tapiscadore to scrape edible kernels from corn husk. They used a nixtamal technique for treating corn. They boiled it with white lime or ground-up snail shells. The nixtamal technique allowed the body to absorb niacin from grain. Without niacin, people would have died of pellagra. These technological advances and techniques were useful and helpful.
The Mayans had different ways in which they made art. Paintings were made upon paper and plaster, carvings in wood and stone, clay models, and terra cotta figurines from molds. When their resources were scarce, they made ornaments. The greatest Mayan artistic ability and culture is the hieroglyphic stairway. The stairway is composed of statues, figures, and ramps. A common Mayan art theme painted on Mayan vases is the royal audience. It had many interesting details such as clothing styles, decorative patterning, face painting, masks worn, and gestures. Their ways of art has become even famous today.
The Mayans had a food supply that consisted of many things. Mayan people were vegetarian and their source of protein came from beans, corn, and squash. Corn was abundant and  frequently used stable. Corn was used in tortillas, tacos, quesadillas, and tamales. Meat served only as a minor dietary statement for Yucatan Mayans. When the Spanish took over, they introduced pigs, cattle, and chicken. During certain rituals, Iguanas were occasionally eaten. Other foods that were consumed included deer, rabbit, fish, birds, mice, rats, wasp larvae, and snails. Their food supply consisted of many natural and wild foods.
The Mayan’s Social Structure had people scattered around everywhere. Most people were commoners. The Middle Class consisted of stonecutters, pottery painters, and scribes. Some wealthy Mayans lived in homes larger than commoners. When death occurred, ordinary people would be wrapped in straw mats. When Rulers and important people died, they were buried in their finest clothing in a tomb in a pyramid-temple. Upper classes managed the calendar and preformed astronomy calculations. The Elite Class consisted of rulers, priests, warriors, merchants, and estate managers. The Low Class consisted of slaves that were criminals, sold in slavery, and commoners captured in war. The Mayans had a Social Structure where everyone belonged.
 I believed that the Mayans did not have a civilization. Although, they had Writing, Art, Government, Social Structure, Technology, and Food Supply, I don’t think they had a civilization because of Religion. They had rituals where they sacrificed each other. Civilizations are supposed to live in harmony and to respect and not harm each other. A civilization would not kill each other in sacrifices or rituals. Therefore, the Mayans did not have a civilization

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uh Oh!

I just got done with tungsten and got a PRETTY bad score. I feel very ashamed and embarrased. I should have double checked and read carefully. I did not rush, but I do not know how I got that score. I hope I improve in December:(

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Xbox 360 Kinect!

Today The XBOX 360 KINECT CAME OUT! I am so psyched!! My dad got a email 2 days ago saying it was in the mail, so it must be here TODAY! The Kinect is a new piece that goes to the Xbox 360 that makes it so that when you play, you don't need a controller, its hands on. It is based on the word Kinect which means, energy in motion. The Kinect has a built in mic and webcam. It has these sensors in it that detect your movements. A lot of my friends have ordered it, so when I set mine up and get on Xbox Live, we are going to have a big webcam party with some of my friends from school and, some that live in different states. I will no longer need a mic because people can hear my voice, and I can hear there voice at Dolby Digital Surround Sound! I can't wait til I get home! :) :p

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Might be getting my Facebook back!

For the last month or 2, I have not had my Facebook, but that might change next week. My mom made a bet with saying if I raised my science grade to a high B or higher, I can get my Facebook back. I have a big test on November 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in Science over the whole unit. I have been studing and I think i will at least get an 85 or higher on it. I hope I can get my Facebook back! :) :(

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Joseph Baldwin Academy

 I got a package from the Joseph Baldwin Academy. I do not know what I did to deserve this. I was researching(still am) and i found out that you will be at Truman State for 3 weeks and live on campus. But as I kept reading i found out this was for kids that ranked in the 95th percentile of a normed exam.
 My parents are still talking about it, but i already know its a yes!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Am Number Four

I was looking at trailers and I saw a trailer for the book"I Am Number Four". The trailer looked so cool that it makes me want to read the book. The movie doesn't come out until next year, so I have enough time to read it. I got a good glimpse of what the book might look like, but as people always say, the book and movie have different stories. I cannot wait for this action/adventure packed movie!

Link: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810167467/video/22181025


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Friday, October 1, 2010

Won't be back for a while!

The reason why I have not been online posting is becuase I got grounded(I can still watch tv). I have to get a few of my grades up. I got grounded til the raise up. I have a science test today and my mom quized me yesterday and she said I am going to ACE the test! I have a social studies essay coming up and I know that i am going to get either a A or B on the essay. I won't be on for a while, but when I get my grades up. I'll be on!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Great- Grandmother

My Great-Grandmother was a sweet person. She was always happy when I came over and she used to give me presents and birthday cards. When I heard she passed away, I couldn't believe it. I was devastated. My mom was crying the whole day. My grandmother and grandfather are not doing so good. When my mom called her, her voice sounded dull and sounded like she was sad. Yesterday, My parents gave me my birthday cards and I picked one, read it, and found out that it was my Great-Grandmother before she passed away. I will cherish that card FOREVER! I hope she is happy in heaven and looking down at me smiling.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Teenage Years... Begin!

Today is my birthday. I turned 13, I a offically a teenager. My grandma called me this morning and said how I am getting older and I will be able to drive her around in 3 years. My mom was crying because she couldn't believe i was a teenager. " More drama" she said. Me and some of my friends were going to Skyzone, but my great grandmother passed away and the funeral is on Saturday. Instead, some of my friends are coming over on sunday. After school, we are going to 54th Street at 8. Life is fast!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reach for the sky: Halo Reach Review

Hello all Halo fans. I own Halo Reach and it is an A plus game. In campaign, You plays as Noble 6, the main character and the new recruit on Team Noble. You start off on Planet Reach but travel everywhere killing aliens and saving the planets from the covenant and their attacks. This game also consists of Firefight(battle between the covenant and UNSC a.k.a Spartans. Custom Games and Forge( a mode where you can make your own game) and of course Theater where you can watch your battles, wins, and/or fails. Go buy Halo Reach, you won't regret it!

Jared Orange
Halo Fan

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Braces Pain Poem

My braces were hurting very bad
Through the day, I was very sad
They hurt so much I could not eat
I had trouble falling to sleep
My braces hurt like the color red
It's deadly, dangerous, as it is said
My braces don't hurt that much that more
Now i have to get rid of all these gum sores

Reach has dropped, and LANDED!

Today Halo: Reach came out. It's going to be the #1 game in 2010. Bradley White told me he pre-ordered the game from Gamestop and picked it up after school. This game is going to be the best Halo game ever because it has a better forge mode, easier way to level up, and you have to use credits to buy armor, which is much easier than waiting to get the armor by trying to get achievements. I might get the game today or on my birthday(September 23rd). I can't wait to play!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bottom Braces, OUCH!

Today I got my bottom braces. They hurt so much. I couldn't eat my lunch today, it was that bad! They put this different wire on my front braces that are going to shift my teeth right one way and left the other! My mom says I have to swallow pills, but IM NOT DOING THAT! I would rather be in pain then swallow a pill. I hope my teeth heal! :(

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My name is Jared aka STEALMAG to my fellow Xbox Live conrads. This will be my blog and i will put my writing on here so everyone can get a glimpse of my writing! (O) (O)