Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Uh Oh!

I just got done with tungsten and got a PRETTY bad score. I feel very ashamed and embarrased. I should have double checked and read carefully. I did not rush, but I do not know how I got that score. I hope I improve in December:(

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Xbox 360 Kinect!

Today The XBOX 360 KINECT CAME OUT! I am so psyched!! My dad got a email 2 days ago saying it was in the mail, so it must be here TODAY! The Kinect is a new piece that goes to the Xbox 360 that makes it so that when you play, you don't need a controller, its hands on. It is based on the word Kinect which means, energy in motion. The Kinect has a built in mic and webcam. It has these sensors in it that detect your movements. A lot of my friends have ordered it, so when I set mine up and get on Xbox Live, we are going to have a big webcam party with some of my friends from school and, some that live in different states. I will no longer need a mic because people can hear my voice, and I can hear there voice at Dolby Digital Surround Sound! I can't wait til I get home! :) :p