Thursday, October 28, 2010

Might be getting my Facebook back!

For the last month or 2, I have not had my Facebook, but that might change next week. My mom made a bet with saying if I raised my science grade to a high B or higher, I can get my Facebook back. I have a big test on November 2nd, 3rd, or 4th in Science over the whole unit. I have been studing and I think i will at least get an 85 or higher on it. I hope I can get my Facebook back! :) :(

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Joseph Baldwin Academy

 I got a package from the Joseph Baldwin Academy. I do not know what I did to deserve this. I was researching(still am) and i found out that you will be at Truman State for 3 weeks and live on campus. But as I kept reading i found out this was for kids that ranked in the 95th percentile of a normed exam.
 My parents are still talking about it, but i already know its a yes!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Am Number Four

I was looking at trailers and I saw a trailer for the book"I Am Number Four". The trailer looked so cool that it makes me want to read the book. The movie doesn't come out until next year, so I have enough time to read it. I got a good glimpse of what the book might look like, but as people always say, the book and movie have different stories. I cannot wait for this action/adventure packed movie!

Link: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810167467/video/22181025


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Friday, October 1, 2010

Won't be back for a while!

The reason why I have not been online posting is becuase I got grounded(I can still watch tv). I have to get a few of my grades up. I got grounded til the raise up. I have a science test today and my mom quized me yesterday and she said I am going to ACE the test! I have a social studies essay coming up and I know that i am going to get either a A or B on the essay. I won't be on for a while, but when I get my grades up. I'll be on!